Do you ever find yourself staring mercifully at a blank computer screen watching as time ticks ahead ever so slowly? I’m sure you’ve spent countless coffee runs contemplating the reasons behind your writer’s block. As you log off for the day and get in your car anticipating the night of Netflix ahead take a moment to consider your post 9-5 activities and their effect on your creativity. To be creative we must ensure our mind is constantly open and evolving. While diving into your favourite Netflix series may offer a few hours of mental relaxation it will not benefit your creativity in the long run.
The next time you feel the pull to rewatch that episode of Friends take a step away from the screen and indulge in something different for a change. We’ve canvassed the 1840 team and found a few activities you could replace your nightly Netflix habit with.
“ Books! I always have one with me, whether in print or online having the ability to jump into a completely different world is liberating. Just letting my brain live in someone else’s life for a bit leaves me feeling refreshed and clear-minded when I get back to my work.”
“ My dog, I have an 11-year-old chihuahua who keeps me busy after work. We go for walks and to the dog park a lot too, I find spending time outdoors even if it’s just grabbing a coffee with my dog is enough to break through any writer’s block.”
“ After a challenging day at work, I’ll look up an enticing recipe and make a stop at the grocery store on my way home. The task of finding every ingredient and then coming home to create this magical meal is enough to take my mind off the day. I find inspiration in creating something so different. The different smells and textures are enough to spur new ideas and projects! It’s just fun.”
“ I always make an effort to get active after work. Whether it’s playing in a rec hockey, soccer, and even baseball league I have to stay active. It help’s my brain work through problems and brings a little healthy competition into my life.”
At the end of the day, you’re looking for something you enjoy doing, something that will make you forget to check your phone for once. Whether it’s drawing, writing or simply walking through nature you want that escape from work and work-related activities. Explore what your city has to offer and don’t be afraid to try new things. You never know you may end up with a lifelong hobby and may banish writer’s block for good.